Pano Cap

About Us

Top Off Imagination With Pure Precision.
Pano Cap is committed to the highest standards of producing only the finest plastic closures for your products.

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Shipping Policy
Detailed shipping instructions shall be part of Buyer’s purchase order. The Seller will make shipment as nearly as feasible in accordance with such shipping instructions and our scheduling facilities of manufacture permit. The Seller’s responsibility shall cease upon delivery of the goods covered by any order to the transportation company (carrier).If by reason of fire, earthquake, flood, explosion, accident, strike, power failure, equipment breakdown, difference with or inability to secure workmen, lack of material, lack of facilities, act of God, or any public enemy, voluntary or involuntary compliance with any valid or invalid order, regulation, request or recommendation of any government agency or authority , lack of transportation facilities or other cause beyond the control of the Seller, whether or not of the kind hereinbefore specified, Seller shall be delayed or prevented, in whole or in part, in making delivery, such delay or prevention shall be excused during the continuance of and to the extent of such cause. Delivery shall be made and taken as soon as reasonably possible after the removal or expiration of such cause, and the order term shall be extended for the period of the duration of such cause.
Return Policy