Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? We Have Answers!

Read our Frequently Asked Questions below. Visit our contact page and drop us a line if you can't find the answers you're looking for here.

Will I find the same products I'm used getting from my supplier?

Yes! Search by item name, sku or manufacturer part number to find the exact product you're looking for. We'll also show you similar items so you can compare prices.


How can I find products on the site?

There are multiple ways to browse the Raptor Marketplace catalog. Search using keywords or a specific manufacturer part number. You can also browse by category, by industry and by featured manufacturers, right from the home page.


How will the items be shipped?

Raptor is ready for B2B and to serve larger purchase volumes. Pick between TL and LTL and get the best, highest-quality shipping right to your warehouse.


Will I really get better prices than what I get now?

Yes! By avoiding astronomical distributor mark ups of up to 25%, you purchase directly from the manufacturer and get the best pricing.