Container Manufacturing

About Us
Container Manufacturing, Inc has been in the
industry since 1979. Call us to learn more
about our container manufacturing services.
We make plastic containers out of HDPE and
other materials, and also offer custom
services for molds, colors, and other features.
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Shipping Policy
Seller will use reasonable commercial efforts to meet the delivery date requested by Buyer but is not liable for any direct or indirect costs resulting from late delivery Unless otherwise specified on the quotation or otherwise agreed to in writing all deliveries are F.O.B. point of shipment. Shipment will be made in accordance with Seller’s written instructions. Upon delivery of goods to carrier, Buyer assumes risk of all loss and damage resulting from any cause whatsoever. Shipping, delivery or performance dates are approximate and are not guaranteed. Seller reserves the right to ship and invoice for a quantity of goods which may vary up to ten percent over or under the quantity specified and Buyer agrees to accept delivery and pay for such revised quantity and consider the shipment to be complete. Partial deliveries shall be accepted by the Buyer and paid for at contract prices and terms. Buyer shall have no right to delay the delivery or shipment date. Seller may charge storage charges for any goods held for Buyer.
Return Policy