Aptar Group 's Privacy Policy

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE 1. PURPOSE This Website www.aptar.com (“Website”) is developed by: APTARGROUP, INC., a corporation incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware (USA), with a United States Federal EIN of 36-3853103, and maintaining its principal place of business at 475 W. Terra Cotta Avenue, Suite E, Crystal Lake, IL 60014, USA (hereafter: “Aptar”) For processing of Personal Data related to European Economic Area (EEA) residents, the main establishment is: Aptar Group UK holdings Limited French Branch 36-38 rue de la Princesse 78430 Louveciennes Tel : + 33 1 3087 1980 For information about Aptar in general please fill in the contact form at: https://www.aptar.com/en-us/contact-us.html For information in relation to these Terms please contact us at: Informationgovernance@aptar.com Before consulting this Website, please read these General Terms and Conditions of Use carefully. This Website is a free service provided by Aptar. Use of this Website is subject to the following Terms, consisting of a website allowing You to learn more about our activities. The Website will provide you with its services if You agree to these Terms of Use, the purpose of which is to set up the technical, practical and legal terms of the relationship between us and You. Therefore, Aptar invites You to read these General Terms and Conditions of Use, which You unconditionally accept and promise to respect. 2. DEFINITIONS For the application of these General Terms and Conditions of Use, the words and the expressions below will have the meaning below when written in capital letters. They will have the same meaning as they are used on the plural or on the singular: Data Protection Legislation: means General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 and any national implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislations, as amended or updated from time to time, as well as any further legislation Personal Data: means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; General Terms and Conditions of Use: means the present General Terms and Conditions of Use; User / You: means the person who is using https://www.aptar.com; Website / We: means the website https://www.aptar.com 3. WEBSITE ACCESS Access to the Website is open to adults. Any use of the Website by a minor must be carried out under the full responsibility of the minor’s parental authority. Website access is allowed 24 hours a day and 7 days per week, unless in case of force majeure, possible breakdowns or any operation of maintenance necessary for good running of the Website. You acknowledge you have the necessary skills and means to access and use the Website. To access the Website, You shall have a computer or other device that allows for adequate access to the Website and a suitable internet connection. You declare that You are aware of the risks and accept them. You acknowledge in particular that the information that passes through, or that is stored on, the Website may be intercepted or altered by parties other than Aptar and that Aptar is not always able to control or be aware of this. It is strongly recommended that You take all necessary precautions to protect yourself against viruses and piracy, in particular, by adopting a secure and adapted computer configuration, through the implementation of regularly updated virus detection software and fire-walls. 4. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The content published on the Website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The content of the Website is periodically modified. Aptar and/or its suppliers reserve the right to modify the content at any time. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: ALL CONTENT ON THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING THE STOCK PRICE, IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT WE CANNOT AND DO NOT GUARANTEE OR WARRANT THAT THE WEBSITE AND THE CONTENT ARE FREE OF VIRUSES, DESTRUCTIVE CODE, OR OTHER TECHNICAL PROBLEMS. THE AVAILABILITY OF THIS SITE CANNOT BE GUARANTEED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: APTAR AND ITS AFFILIATES, INCLUDING ITS EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEYS AND STAFF, HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR YOUR USE OF ANY OF THE CONTENT, OR YOUR INABILITY TO USE OR ACCESS THE SAME, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS OR LOSS OF PROFITS, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APTAR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR ANY LIMITED REMEDY. NO INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM APTAR THROUGH THIS WEBSITE SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THESE CONDITIONS OF USE. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY INCLUDES ANY LIABILITY THAT MAY ARISE OUT OF THIRD PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU. ANY CONTENT DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE IS PROVIDED AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEMS OR DATA LOSS THAT MAY RESULT FROM SUCH USE OF THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGE RESULTING FROM COMPUTER VIRUSES. 5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Copyright Notice All information and content on the Website is the property of Aptar or its licensors. The content is protected by copyright laws, trademark and design rights. Any unauthorized use of the content will be considered a violation of Aptar's intellectual property rights. Unless otherwise stated in this document, Aptar and its suppliers reserve all tacit and direct rights to patents, trademarks, copyrights or confidential information relating to the content. Unless otherwise stated in this document, no content may be copied, distributed, published or used in any way, in whole or in part, without prior written agreement from Aptar, except as allowed by the limited license contained in these General Terms and Conditions of Use. You may not, and these General Terms and Conditions of Use do not give you permission to, reproduce, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify or create derivative works with respect to the Website. Trademarks Aptar trademarks, logos, and subsidiary names appearing on the Website, except as otherwise noted, are trademarks owned or used under license by Aptar or its affiliates in the geographic regions where Aptar markets products bearing such trademarks. The use or misuse of these trademarks or any other content on this site, except as provided in these General Terms and Conditions of Use or in the content, is strictly prohibited. Nothing contained on the Website shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any Aptar trademark without Aptar’s prior written permission. Limited License Unless where otherwise indicated on the Website, content may be downloaded or printed under the following terms and conditions: The content may only be used for personal or educational purposes and not for public or commercial purposes. The content may not be modified in any way. The content may not be distributed, sold or republished. Any copyright notices or other ownership notices on the documents, information and content must be preserved in any copy or printed copy. Aptar reserves the right to withdraw this limited license at any time. The rights granted to You are part of a license agreement and do not constitute a transfer of property. You may not create a website that frames this Website or any trademark or proprietary information located on this Website without Aptar's written permission. You may not use meta tags or any other type of hidden text utilizing Aptar's name or trademarks on a website without Aptar's written permission. The rights mentioned above relating to the printing and downloading of content on the Website do not apply to the design and layout of the Website. The design and layout of the Website are all protected by copyright and other laws and are the property of Aptar. No part of these may be copied or reproduced. 6. MODIFICATION Aptar makes all reasonable efforts to offer Internet Users high-quality access and accessible information in optimal technical conditions. Aptar reserves the right to change or develop these General Terms and Conditions of Use and this Website at any time, and any such changes will come into effect as soon they are activated on the Website. Therefore, Aptar encourages Users to regularly consult the Website and the General Terms and Conditions of Use. 7. CONTRACT ASSIGNMENT Aptar is free to assign these General Terms and Conditions of Use, which will automatically be transferred to the assignee. PRIVACY AND COOKIES Aptar is mindful of the protection of the privacy of each Internet user (hereinafter the “User”) of www.aptar.com (hereinafter the “Website”), and complies with Data protection laws and considers it essential to inform the User in a clear and transparent way about the use of cookies while browsing on the Website. This Privacy Policy sets out Aptar’s Personal Data collection and using practices in relation to such data. Aptar will not collect Personal Data, except – when required – if the User has provided his/her consent. 8. WHAT IS A COOKIE ? A cookie is an element of data stored on the hard drive of the User’s terminal (computer, tablet, mobile) through a navigation browser when visiting online services. Cookies are widely used by websites. They improve the browsing experience, and supply audience information to the owners of these websites. Cookies set up by Aptar can appear when the User registers (if applicable). The cookies calculate how long the User stays on the confirmation page in order to redirect him to the Aptar Website. Cookies can also gather information concerning the online preferences of Users and allow Aptar to adapt the Website to the User’s centers of interest. Cookies recorded by Aptar or by third parties when the User visits the Website do not recognize the User personally, but rather as the device they use. Cookies simply give information about the browsing of the User in order to recognize the terminal later on. Cookies cause no damage to the terminal, but allow some actions more easily, such as finding preferences, advance filling certain fields and adapting the contents of the services of Aptar. 9. HOW ACCEPTING OR REFUSING THE USE OF COOKIES? The User may set his/her browser to notify him/her when he/she receives a cookie, and can refuse cookies from all websites, if he/she wishes. Please note, however, that if the User rejects cookies, it is possible that some web pages may not properly load or load at all, and his/her access to certain information might be denied or he/she might have to enter information about himself/herself more than once. If the User does not wish to receive cookies in a general way or wishes to refuse only certain cookies, he/she can modify the parameters of his/her browser accordingly. Instructions are supplied by each web browser: For Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies For Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences For Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265 For Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en&hlrm=en To disable cookies on your computer: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices/ For any other browser not mentioned above, the User should not hesitate to consult the cookie management help available on the Internet. 10. HOW DO WE USE COOKIES? Information collected through cookies helps Aptar analyze the use of its Website and enables Users to benefit from a better experience when visiting the Website. Aptar also uses cookies to send messages that are customized to Users specific interests. 11. WHICH KIND OF COOKIES ARE ON THE WEBSITE? Functional cookies Functional cookies enable the Website: to adapt the display of the Website (used language, screen resolution, used operating system, etc.), according to the materials and the software you’re the User’s terminal contains. These cookies expire at the end of each session; to facilitate better searches by storing searches previously made by the User. These cookies will be stored for a 13-month period. Analytics cookies Aptar may use analytics cookies to enhance the performance of the Website by collecting connection data such as date, time, Internet address, the IP address, visited and consulted pages and User’s browser version. Aptar does not share, sell, lease or rent its mailing or customer lists to third parties and does not store them for more than a 13-month period. Thus, Aptar may use web analytics from a service provider that uses related cookies. Although Aptar has no control over web analytics from service providers, which are control their own processing, nor on collected data even when transferred outside the European Union since such providers are located in the United States of America, Aptar considers it necessary to mention this in order to ensure Users have clear and thorough information on such use, which may, if any, require Users’ prior consent. For additional information, and provided that such policy is available in your language, please refer to each privacy policy: Google: click here to consult Google’s privacy policy The User can, however, oppose these various operations by configuring his/her browser, such as Internet Explorer or Firefox, by following the instructions, also indicated above, which are supplied for that purpose on his/her browser website or, failing that, on the data protection authority in the relevant EU Member State. In case a User exercises their right of opposition, Aptar confirms that no data of connection will be transmitted to any supplier of analysis of audience tools. Moreover, the User has a right to access their own data. He/she can exercise this right by contacting the concerned supplier and by specifying the number identifying the cookie, which will be attributed to him/her by the supplier. Social network cookies. The Website may include functionalities from third-party sites, including certain social networks. These functionalities can sometimes be accompanied by s or other elements that can read and sometimes place cookies from these social networks on the User’s device. These cookies can be used to personalize advertising messages. Although Aptar has no access to these cookies, nor does it have any control over these social networks, which are responsible for their own processing, nor over the data they collect, including in connection with a transfer of data outside the European Union, since some of them are located in the United States, Aptar considers it essential to mention this so that the User has clear and complete information in the event that they are used. For additional information, and subject to the availability of this information in your language, please refer to the list of potential social network cookies below. LinkedIn The following LinkedIn features may be incorporated into the Website and are likely to read or place LinkedIn cookies: LinkedIn login, which allows the User to log into their LinkedIn account and interact with the Website via this account. Click here to read Linkedin’s Privacy policy Twitter. The following Twitter features may be incorporated into the Website and are likely to read or place Twitter cookies: Twitter login, which allows the User to log into their Twitter account and interact with the Website via this account. Click here to read Twitter's privacy policy 12. PROCESSING AND STORAGE OF PERSONAL DATA Aptar cares about the protection of personal data and we process Personal Data provisions that apply to Aptar’s business (in particular in accordance with the GDPR for EU data subjects). Type of Data processed and stored Please note that the following personal data will be stored and processed by Aptar for the purpose of performance of contracts, mandatory legal obligations and other legitimate business interests (lawful purposes under Art. 6 GDPR): Name Account details and related contact information Postal address Telephone or fax number Email address and other identifying addresses for electronic communications Date of birth Only when appropriate, details from passports and other government or state issued forms of personal identification Only when appropriate, photographic or video images In the course of our business, we may also receive from you, or third parties, information including employment related information and CVs; We have received these data either from you, your company or from public sources such as company register, your website, telephone book, etc. Use of personal data We, and certain of our designated service providers, may use personal data for our legitimate business interests, including the following: to validate authorized signatories when concluding agreements and transactions; to contact nominated individuals in connection with existing transactions and contractual agreements; to respond to enquiries and fulfil requests from our clients and/or relevant third parties who require information as a necessary part of the provision of the services, and to administer account(s) and manage our relationships; to inform our clients about products or services which we believe may be of interest, including tailored ads, marketing proposals or offers; to verify an individual’s identity and/or location (or the identity or location of our client’s representative or agent) in order to allow access to client accounts, or conduct online transactions; to protect the security of personal data; for information and relationship management purposes, and business purposes, including data analysis, audits, developing and improving products and services, identifying usage trends and determining the effectiveness of promotional campaigns, and enhancing, improving or modifying our services; for risk management, compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and for fraud detection, prevention and investigation, including “know your customer”, anti-money laundering, conflict and other necessary on-boarding and ongoing customer checks, due diligence and verification requirements, credit checks, credit risk analysis, compliance with sanctions procedures or rules, and tax reporting; to comply with laws and regulations (including any legal or regulatory guidance, codes or opinions), and to comply with other legal process and law enforcement requirements including any internal policy based on or reflecting legal or regulatory guidance, codes or opinions); to send administrative information to clients, such as changes to our terms, conditions and policies in the course of our business relationship. All employees of Aptar or its affiliates who take care of our customers and/or suppliers (directly or indirectly) have access to these data (and other Aptar support services, when required). Furthermore, your name and your address (and the telephone number) may be provided to the transport company/shipping company commissioned with the delivery of the goods and other agreed sub-contractors and services required to deliver our goods and services. Where do we store personal data of EU citizens? We primarily process personal data on servers located within the EU/EEA. However, we may need to transfer your personal data from a location within the EU/EEA to a third country. With regard to transfers of personal data to countries where the local data protection legislation does not provide an adequate level of data protection, we will implement appropriate safeguards under the GDPR to ensure that your personal data remains protected and secure. Such international transfers of personal data will be based on the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission. We store the personal data necessary for the fulfilment of the contract for the duration of the entire business relationship as well as in accordance with the legal obligations for storage and documentation. Rights for EU citizens You have the rights of access (Art 15 GDPR), rectification (Art 16 GDPR), deletion ("right to be forgotten" - Art 17 GDPR), when appropriate restriction of processing (Art 18 GDPR) or data portability (Art 20 GDPR), revocation of your consent (Art 7 (2) GDPR) and objection (Art 21 GDPR). If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have otherwise been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority (right of appeal to a supervisory authority - Art 77 GDPR). All data protection authorities of the EU member states are listed under the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/article-29/structure/data-protection-authorities/index_en.htm We would like to point out that in the event that personal data is not provided or in the event of your revocation, the fulfilment of (contractual) obligations by Aptar will be made more difficult or even impossible. You can reach us by sending an email to: Informationgovernance@aptar.com 13. GOVERNING LAW / JURISDICTION These General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by, construed and applied in accordance with US law. Any legal disputes arising from the construing, modification or implementation will, in the absence of an amicable settlement, be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Illinois. Notwithstanding the above, any Personal Data (such as cookies, contact detail, IP address) processed through the Website as far as related to EEA residents are, however, governed by, construed and applied in accordance with French law and the Data Protection Legislation. Any legal disputes arising from the interpretation, modification or implementation of processing of Personal Data will, in the absence of an amicable settlement, be under the exclusive jurisdiction of French courts or data protection authority.