Saverglass 's Privacy Policy

This site is the official site of the Saverglass group. Publisher : Saverglass sas, rue de la gare, 60960 Feuquières, FRANCE Capital : 7,551,000 euros Companies registration Number : Beauvais 525721189 Tel : +33 (0)3 44 46 45 45 Publication Director: Laurent Mallet Design : CARRE NOIR I PUBLICIS ACTIV FRANCE, with its registrered office located at 133 avenue des champs Elysées 75008 PARIS Hosting : Saverglass 1/ RESPONSIBILITY The purpose of this site is to provide information about the Saverglass group. Saverglass endeavours to ensure the accuracy and updating of all information published on this site and reserves the right to modify and correct at any time and without notice the contents of the information and documents made available on the site. Saverglass shall not be held responsible for potential mistakes or omissions regarding the information published on this site, for the consequences of the use thereof, nor for any technical problems encountered on the site or the presence of any viruses on the site. More generally, Saverglass can not be held responsible for any damage, whether direct or indirect, of any nature or for any cause or origin whatsoever, resulting from anyone's accessing the site, from the impossibility to access the site, from the use of the site and the credit given to any information originating, either directly or indirectly, from the site. 2/ HYPERTEXT LINKS This site may contain links to other internet sites or other information sources over which Saverglass has no control. Saverglass can not be held responsible for the content of said sites or external information sources, as well as for the direct or indirect consequences of their use. Moreover, any link from a third party to this site, a page of this site or a document on this site shall be subjected to a prior written authorization from Saverglass. 3/ INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY All elements of this site are the property of their author or of the holder of authorized rights. Consequently, with the exception of a strictly private or personal use, any part or total reproduction, representation, adaptation, or broadcast of the elements of this site is expressly prohibited. Trade names, designs, products and any other distinctive signs of Saverglass, registered or not, are intellectual property rights belonging to Saverglass. No license or any other right is granted to anyone as regards those rights. 4/ PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION Any nominative information that Saverglass is likely to collect through this site will exclusively be used by the Saverglass group in order to send informations on products or events organized by Saverglass. In accordance with the French law of January 6th, 1978 relative to Information Technologies and Civil Liberties, users have a right to access, rectify and delete their personal data, which they can exercise at any time by contacting : Responsable de la Communication Saverglass Rue de la gare, 60960 Feuquières France 5/ COOKIES For statistical and analytical purposes, Saverglass reserves the right to use cookies that do not enable personal identification of a visitor to this site but provide information pertaining to his browsing. Configuring his browser allows the user to refuse such cookies if he so wishes.