O-I Glass 's Privacy Policy

PLEASE READ THIS PRIVACY POLICY CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. O-I Glass, Inc. and its affiliated companies (collectively, “O-I”) are concerned about the privacy of users of its Internet Web Site. Because of this, O-I has established this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”). By visiting O-I.com, you agree to accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy, and those in our Terms and Conditions of Service, which are also posted on this Site. By registering at O-I.com, you also agree to accept the additional practices described in this Privacy Policy for Registered Users. As our business changes and as technology and Internet use and practices change, O-I may from time to time determine that it is prudent to change our practices, Terms and Conditions, or this Privacy Policy. Therefore, O-I reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, change, add to, or delete from (any such modification, change, addition or deletion, an “alteration” to), this Policy and other policies posted on this Site at any time and without notice to users of this Site. Thus, we encourage you to review this Policy and other policies posted on this Site for possible changes, and to do so each time you return to the Site, to be certain you are aware of any alterations. Your continued use of this Site after any such alteration has been made constitutes acceptance by you of the terms of this Policy and any other policies posted on this Site as they then exist, including any such alteration. General Users – Cookie Policy O-I collects certain data at our Website in order to deliver, evaluate and improve our service to you. When you visit our Site, we may receive and store certain information that is gathered by placing one or more small computer files called “cookies” on your computer. These files provide us with information about your computer and your visits, such as (but not limited to) your on-line identification and on-line address, other information about your computer and browser software, and information about your use of the various portions of this site. We aggregate this information with other information from other users, and we use such information only in an aggregate manner, and do not sell or otherwise in the ordinary course of our business, provide such information to other business enterprises or individuals. We may transfer such information if there ever were to occur, a change of ownership of this company or its assets, and we may also disclose such information as described in this Policy under the heading “Security.” More information about enabling/disabling and deleting cookies can be found through the security features of the browser you are using (Check the help options available for your browser or consult your browser provider’s website for further information). Registered Users O-I collects information provided voluntarily by you when you register on our Site, or in some cases may be provided by us. Such registration is required in order for you to gain access to some of the Site’s features. The information we collect is that which is provided in the registration form, and is in addition to the information collected from general users. This information is used by us both to enable us to help enhance our Site and make it more usable for each user and to assist us in identifying existing and potential customers for our products and services, to interact with existing and potential vendors, to communicate with you and to respond to your inquiries and fulfil your requests. Such information is used only by O-I personnel for such purposes, and is not sold or otherwise in the ordinary course of our business, provided to other business enterprises or individuals. We may transfer such information if there ever were to occur, a change of ownership of this company or its assets, and we may also disclose such information as described in this Policy under the heading “Security.” You can remove your information from our database by discontinuing your registration. You can do this and review, correct, update, restrict your information by contacting unregisterecatalog@us.o-i.com Security and Retention We use commercially reasonable practices, including encryption, to see that your information is treated in compliance with this Privacy Policy. However, given the nature of the Internet, we cannot ensure complete security and we are not responsible for any breach of security or for the action of any person or entity other than O-I. In addition, O-I cooperates with law enforcement inquiries, we obey court orders, and we honor subpoenas and other legal process. As a result, your information may be disclosed if we were compelled by law or legal process to disclose it. We may also disclose such information if we were to determine in our sole discretion that such disclosure would be useful in connection with investigating possible non-compliance with the law, with any O-I policy, including our Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy, with any other agreement we might have with you, or if we reasonably believed that a user were attempting to cause damage to the functionality of this Site or its content. Hackers pose a threat to an Internet user, and the legal and regulatory status of matters on the Internet is uncertain both in the United States and in other countries. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that all of your communications and other information will never be disclosed in ways you do not expect or which are not described in this Privacy Policy. We will retain your information for as long as needed or permitted in light of the purpose(s) for which it was obtained. The criteria used to determine our retention periods include: (i) the length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you; (ii) whether there is a legal obligation to which we are subject; or (iii) whether retention is advisable in light of our legal position (such as in regard to applicable statutes of limitations, litigation or regulatory investigations). Cross Border Transfer Your personal information may be stored and processed in any country where we have facilities and affiliated companies or service providers and may be transferred to countries outside of your country of residence, including to the United States, which may provide for different data protection rules than in your country. Appropriate contractual and other measures are in place to protect personal information when it is transferred to our affiliates or third parties in other countries. Some non-European Economic Area (EEA) countries are recognized by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of data protection according to EEA standards. For transfers from the EEA to countries not considered adequate by the European Commission, we have ensured that adequate measures are in place, including by ensuring that – by way of example – the recipient is bound by EU Standard Contractual Clauses, EU-US Privacy Shield Certification, or an EU-approved code of conduct or certification, to protect your personal information. Third Party Sites And Services This Privacy Policy does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy, information, or other practices of any third parties, including any third party operating any site or online service (including, without limitation, any social media) that is available through O-I.com or to which O-I.com contains a link. The availability of, or inclusion of a link to, any such site or property on O-I.com does not imply endorsement of it by us or by our affiliates Contacting Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority competent for your country or region.