Cosmedix 's Privacy Policy

CosMedix is owned and operated by Astral Brands, Inc. The following describes the privacy policy (as amended or otherwise changed from time to time, the "Privacy Policy") applicable to the services available through the web site (the "Site") from and its independent licensees. By visiting the Site, you are accepting the Privacy Policy described herein. We value your trust in us and will work hard to earn your confidence so that you can enthusiastically use our services and recommend us to friends and family. THE COSMEDIX PRIVACY PROMISE CosMedix promises never to sell, rent, barter or share with any third party personally identifying information collected during your use of the Site without your prior permission. From time to time, we may reveal general statistical information about our Site and visitors, such as number of visitors, number and type of goods and services purchased, etc., but we will never reference you by name or specific address. Your trust and confidence are our highest priority. We do collect and store the names, addresses, credit card numbers and other personally identifying information of customers of the Site who make purchase requests. This information is saved in a secure environment and is kept for our records and to make it easier for you to use our services on return visits. To serve you faster and with better quality, we use "cookies" technology. Cookies are small bits of code, usually stored on a user’s computer hard drive, which enable a website to "personalize" itself for each user. We use cookies to reduce the time it takes for you to submit purchase requests. In addition to information you provide to us we also automatically receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with us. We obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses This information is compiled and analyzed on both a personal and an aggregated basis, and it may include the website’s Uniform Resource Locator ("URL") that you just came from, which URL you will go to next, what browser you are using, and your Internet Protocol ("IP") address. Other examples of automatic information we may collect are purchase history, products viewed or searched for, visits to certain pages and page interaction. We associate the information we store in cookies to personally identifiable information you submit while on our site. HOW WE USE THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT Information we collect is used to build features that will make the services available on the Site easier to use. This includes faster purchase requests, better customer support and timely notice of new services and special offers. Information collected by CosMedix is stored in a single, secure database, accessible only by us. We do not reveal your name, address, credit card number or other personally identifying information to any participating seller, manufacturer, retailer, or sponsor unless you affirmatively respond to the Provider’s offer and/or the Provider agrees to provide the product or service you requested at your specified price. From time to time, CosMedix may contact you to request feedback on your experience using the Site, to assist us in improving the Site, or to offer special savings or promotions to you as a Site user. To protect your privacy and security, we will verify your identity before granting access or making changes to your personally identifying information. SECURITY To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure correct use of information, we will employ reasonable and current Internet security methods and technologies. CosMedix has created a secure environment for credit card transactions. CosMedix uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt all your personal information including credit card number, name and address to prevent your information from being read during transmission over the Internet. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be communicated through our Site at least 10 days in advance of implementation. Information collected before changes are made will be secured according to the previous Privacy Policy. EU EXPORT TERMS By ordering goods from eTailer/ supplier destined to EU-member states specifically, services will be provided to you only after you explicitly agree to become Importer of Record (“IOR”) and as such customs clearance shall be made in your name and on your behalf. As IOR, you agree to be ultimately responsible for importing the products ordered by you into the destination EU-member state and are solely responsible for the payment of duties, and taxes either at the time of sale if prepayment is selected or at the time of importation if prepayment is not selected. You hereby give a proxy or power of attorney (“POA”) to eTailer/ supplier’s designated shipping provider for the customs clearance of products ordered by you. This POA authorizes eTailer/ supplier’s designated shipping provider’s assigned customs broker to act on behalf of you. eTailer/ supplier’s designated shipping provider’s intervention with respect to customs formalities may be done by a customs agent assigned by eTailer/ supplier’s designated shipping provider on your behalf. You hereby acknowledge to have understood the concept of IOR and the need of the POA and further state that the terms of the POA or terms of the purchase from eTailer/ supplier and transportation conditions from eTailer/ supplier’s designated shipping provider are not unreasonable or unknown to you, that you have read them, understood them and further have agreed to them